
Using pip

To install netqasm do

pip install netqasm

To simulate a set of application files using a simulator, additional packages are required. Currently supported simulators are:

  • SquidASM: Requires netsquid and SquidASM installed. For how to install netsquid, see SquidASM can be installed using pip while supplying your NetSquid account information:

    pip install squidasm --extra-index-url=https://{netsquid-user-name}:{netsquid-password}
  • SimulaQron: Requires only simulaqron which can be installed using pip by

    pip install simulaqron

    SimulaQron itself needs a backend to be installed in order to run simulations. One of the supported backends is ProjectQ. To install ProjectQ, do:

    pip install projectq


If you have trouble installing one of the packages above, it may be that you first need to install the wheel package, by pip install wheel.

From source

To install netqasm from source, clone this repo and run

make install

To verify the installation, do:

make verify