Application file structure

Applications are organized into directories: all source code entry points and configuration files relating to an application must be in the same directory.

Quantum network applications typically involve multiple parties, each on a separate node in the network. We refer to these parties as roles. For example, a teleportation application might have two roles: a sender and a receiver.

An application directory consists of the following files:

  • Application source code. These are Python source code files with names starting with app_, e.g. There should be one file for each ‘role’ involved in the networked application.

  • Application input. Each role can have a YAML file specifying the inputs to the application. Each role has its own local inputs. Names correspond to the roles in the application. For example, the role ‘sender’ has an input file sender.yaml.

  • Network configuration. A single YAML file network.yaml specifying characteristics of the simulated network. See below for a detailed description of the expected format.

  • Role-network mapping. Roles are logical concepts related to the application, and not directly tied to a physical (simulated) node. In the roles.yaml file you can specify which role (i.e. which app_<role>.py file) runs on which network node.


The netqasm new and netqasm init commands automatically create the above file types.

File content format

Application source code

Each app_<role>.py file should have a main function. See for more details Using the SDK.

Application input

A <role>.yaml file should contain a simply dictionary of inputs. For example:

theta: 3.1415
x: 1

Network configuration

See the NetworkConfig dataclass.

Role-network mapping

The roles.yaml file should contain a simple list of key-value pairs. Each key should be a role name and each value a node name occurring in the network configuration.

Results and logs

Running an application produces two kinds of output: application results and log files.

If it doesn’t exist already, a log directory is automatically created in the application directory. In it, for each run of the application, a directory is created with a name indicating the time it was generated, e.g. 20201117-104744. For convenience, the last directory is always copied into a directory called LAST, so in most cases you can just look into log/LAST for the relevant output.

The output files are the following:

  • Application results. Application-specific results are written to results.yaml.

  • Instruction logs. The simulator logs which NetQASM instructions it executes on each simulated node to a YAML file. For each <node>, a file <node>_instrs.yaml is generated.

  • Network log. Events related to the network and that are not local to one specific node are logged to network_log.yaml. These event currently only include entanglement generation events.

  • Classical communciation logs. For each <role>, a file <role>_class_comm.yaml is generated with all messages that are sent or received to/from that role.

  • Applicaton logs. Applications can also log custom information to a file. An ‘application log’ from a <role> ends up in <role>_app_log.yaml.

Output file contents

Application results

The results.yaml file contains the Python directories that are return ed at the end of the main function in each role’s source code.

Instruction logs

A <role>_instr.yaml contains a list of all NetQASM instructions that were executed by <role>, in chronological order.

Each log statement includes the instruction type, and the time at which it was executed. It also includes the states of the qubits in the network (across all nodes) and which of these are entangled or not. Entangled qubits appear in the same qubit group.

This information is about the states directly after the instruction is executed.

See the InstrLogEntry dataclass for the format of each log entry.

Network log

The network_log.yaml contains a list of all entanglement events that happened in the simulated network, in chronological order. As in the instruction log, the qubit states and groups are given as they are immediately after the event.

Two events (called stages) exist: START (entanglement generation has started) and FINISH (entanglement has successfully been generated).

Furtermore, there are two types of entanglement generation:

  • MD (Measure Directly): upon successful generation, immediately measure the two (one in each node) qubits. So, directly after a FINISH event of type MD, the corresponding qubits do not appear in the qubit information.

  • CK (Create and Keep): upon successful generation, keep the qubits alive. The corresponding qubits appear in the qubit group information, and are (obviously) entangled.

START events do not give information about the type. This is only given at FINISH events.

MD events (at the FINISH stage) have additional information BAS and MSR. These are the bases (one for each node) used for the (immediate) mesaurement, and the mesaurement outcomes themselves.

See the NetworkLogEntry dataclass for the format of each log entry.

Classical communciation logs

Each <role>_class_comm.yaml contains a list of all messages that were sent or received by <role>, in chronological order.

See ClassCommLogEntry dataclass for the format of each log entry.

Application logs

Each <role>_app_log.yaml contains a list of custom log statements coming from app_<role>.py.