Running your first app

Before writing our own application we will see how we can execute a pre-defined one on the simulator SquidASM. Make sure you first followed the previous parts and have the relevant packages installed.

Creating an application folder

We’ll first create an applicaton folder using a template. Do this by running:

netqasm new my-app

You can replace my-app with another name. What’s important is that this directiory cannot exist in your current working directory, since it will be created. Go into the directory and see what files were created.

cd my-app

You will see two files and These are the files defining the application itself. There are two parties in this application: sender and receiver, but you can have an arbitary number of parties. Each party is associated with a specific node in the network by the roles.yaml file. Furthermore, the network is specified in the file network.yaml. Lastly, the sender.yaml and receiver.yaml defines input to the application. For more details about these files and how to configure them, see Application file structure.

Running the app

Before describing what the application does and how you can change it, let’s just run it and see what happens. To do this, type

netqasm simulate

which, if everything went well, will print some information about a sender and a receiver. What this application in fact does is to teleport a qubit from the sender to the receiver. We will go through how this works more in detail in Using the SDK. Amazing, you have just teleported a qubit over a simulated quantum network! What’s perhaps even more exciting is that you will soon be able to execute this application without changing the files on real quantum hardware through the Quantum Network Explorer.

To see what options the CLI tool takes, do:

netqasm simulate --help

You can for example increase the amount of logging shown by --log-level=INFO (or DEBUG) or use a different qubit representation in the simulation by --formalism=dm to use the density matrix formalism in NetSquid. As described below you can also use a different simulator.

Inspecting the results

You may have seen that after running the application a new directory has appeared: log. This is were all the results of the simulation get stored. Each execution of the application creates a new directory in log using a timestamp. For convenience, a copy of this folder is also created with the name LAST. The files in the log-folder contain information what happened during the simulation: what quantum operations were applied, what classical messages were sent, what entangled pairs were created and what the outcome of the application was. This is further detailed in Application file structure.

Other pre-defined apps

You have just simulated an application which teleports a qubit. In Using the SDK you will learn how to write your own application. However, before that, there are also other pre-defined applications you can easily instantiate and execute using the --template flag to netqasm new. Type netqasm new --help for a complete list. To for example try out an application which performs anonymous transmission of a qubit, do:

netqasm new my-anonymous-app --template=anonymous_transmission

What actually happens under the hood here is that the source for the example applications here is copied into your newly created app. You can also just clone the netqasm repository and execute these examples, e.g. with

netqasm simulate --app-dir netqasm/examples/apps/bb84

Using other simulators

Above we have simulated an application which teleports a qubit over a quantum network using the simulator SquidASM. You can easily run the same application using another supported simulator. For example to use SimulaQron instead, simply do:

netqasm simulate --simulator=simulaqron


For this to work you need simulaqron installed, otherwise the CLI will tell you that ModuleNotFoundError: to use simulaqron as simulator, `simulaqron` needs to be installed. SimulaQron can be installed using pip by

pip install simulaqron